In the department of endocrinology, there are one chief physician, two associate chief physicians and three attending physicians. All of them have plenty of experiences in diagnosing and treating endocrine and metabolic disorders. At present, laboratory investigations including hormone detections of serum insulin, C-peptide, glycosylated hemoglobin, costisol, aldosterone, FT3, FT4, hTSH, TRAb, angiotensinⅠ,angiotensinⅡ,FSH, LH, E2, P(progesterone), PRL, GH, ACTH, PTH, calcitonin,urinary free cortisol and VMA have been used for the assessment of endocrinopathic problems. Moreover, bone density can be determined by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) while thyroid and adrenal gland can be scanned by ECT. Percutaneous fine-needle aspiration and biopsy of thyroid are applied for the diagnoses of thyroid diseases. In a ward, the department of endocrinology follows the scientific frontiers nowadays in the diagnoses and treatments of diabetes, thyroid, adrenal, sexual gland , pituitary disorders, osteoporosis,etc and benefit the patients. It deserves to be mentioned that the application of insulin infusion pump for intensive therapy of diabetes has obtained a fairly good result. Meanwhile the department also focuses on researches on cerebral hemorrgeology of diabetes as well as treatment and prevention of diabetic nephropathy。