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三甲 公立 综合医院


暨南大学附属第一医院超声科承担全院患者的超声检查工作,科室拥有2台彩超仪器和4台黑白“B”超仪器,其中Phlip公司的SONOS 5500型彩色多普勒超声仪器属国内高档超声设备。科室共有工作人员9名,其中副主任医师3人,主治医师2人,住院医师2人,技师2人,获硕士学位者3人。


  Ultrasound Department of the first affiliated hospital of jinan university undertake the ultrasound examination for the whole hospital. Currently, there are 2 set of color doppler ultrasonic equipments and 4 set of B-mode ultrasonic equipments, in which SONOS 5500 Color Doppler imaging equipment is top grade ultrasound equipment in our country. The staff comprises 9 members including 3 associate professors, 2 attending physicians, 2 resident physicians and 2 technicians. 3 have obtained master degrees。

  The major work of the department include ultrasound diagnosis in abdomen, cardiology, vascular disease, small parts and so on, and tansesophageal echocardiograpy (TEE) and guiding and evaluating effect of interventional therapy for cardiac disease by echocardiography, for example transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect. Ultrasound-guided needle puncture for biopsy abdomen organs, breast and thyroid gland lesion and all kinds of puncturing treatment are performed, for example ultrasound –guided percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography and drainage. More than one hundred of technical papers have been published in domestic journal from 1993。
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